
dreamer, coder, hacker

Diagram by Paul Downey (of the Web Is Agreement fame), based on (I think) an idea by Y!'s Spo0nman/Pankaj


In case that your computer addiction have made you forget how humans look like, you could use three minutes watching people from 1 to 100 years of age, in a lovely video made by Lenka Clayton and James Price (via Kellypuffs).

If that hasn't been an overexposure to human looks, the humancalendar.com is and the humanclock.com are also very cool (and the later is a nice TV-Wii-powered screensaver).



De candidatos que dicen cosas como esta:

Ha llegado el momento de un presidente (...) que no sólo os diga lo que queréis oír, sino lo que tenéis que saber.
De seguimiento parlamentario independiente e imparcial : sobre TheyWorkForYou.com. Y de discusiones civilizadas sobre la actividad parlamentaria.

¡Bah! La envidia no es buena: volvamos al ra-ra-ra local...