
In good company

I recently stumbled upon the fact that Scott Ambler, who inspired my second post in this blog, is an IBMer.

I feel in very good company every time that I learn that people that I know/read/admire "outside" are also "inside". It has just happened with Scott, but has happened to me before with Tridge, Sam Ruby, Erich Gamma...

Mary Poppendieck: Competing On The Basis Of Speed

I watched Mary Poppendieck's talk at Google: Competing On The Basis Of Speed. It is a good talk, but it does not compare well to Mary and Tom's most excellent Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit (amazon.com amazon.co.uk safari).

I took some messy notes, way too powerpointish :-(. My advice: go for the book.


  • Fast companies (e.g. Dell, Toyota, Google)
    • competitive advantage
    • lower costs
    • large barrier to entry for competition
  • Speed's enemy: complexity
  • 3 faces of complexity [1]:
    • waste: anything that depletes resources without adding customer value
      keep it simple
    • inconsistency: anything uneven, unbalanced, irregular
      make it flawless
    • overload: excessive burden
      let it flow
Keep it simple (video 5m45s)
  • Common infrastructure:
    • Architecture
    • Conventions: naming, coding, security, logging, ui, configuration management...
    • Tools
  • Refactoring to keep simplifying
  • Sustainable simplicity: change tolerance (video 7m52s)
    • 60%-80% of code is written after the first release
    • the development process has to anticipate change
    • decide as late as possible, when you have more info
      • make decissions reversible whenever possible
      • make irreversible decissions at the last responsible moment
      • set-based development: explore the whole solution space at once (Toyota worked on 10 motors at once for the Prius). Keep multiple options, and one has to work at the last responsible moment.
      • paradox: these redundant solutions are not waste
Make it flawless (video 18m28s)
  • 2 kinds of inspection
    • to find defects -> waste
    • to prevent defects -> essential
  • Mistake-proof every step: detect defects the moment they ocurr
    • don't track defects on a list: find them and fix them
    • test first, automated test suites
  • Role of testing (video 21m55s)
    • manufacturing:
      • a quality process brings quality into the products (unlike in software development traditional view)
      • finding process in verifcation -> you have a defective process
    • focus on preventing defects. Cannot be at the end of development, adding waste in the form of test-fix churn. It has to be integrated into the development process.
  • 4 kinds of testing
    • unit testing: developer intend. Automate them.
    • acceptance/regression testing: business intend. Automate them.
    • exploratory + usability testing. Manual by definition.
    • property (response, security, scaling....) testing. Take advanteg of tools.
  • Technical debt (video 26m55s)
    • anything that makes code difficult to change
    • the longer you acquire debt the worse it gets
      • cost ofcomplexty is exponential
      • regression deficit: more features, longer testing, until it dominates the release cycle
      • unsync code branches: the longer apart, the longer it will take to merge
  • Build Quality in (video 33m17s)
    • configuration management, one click build, automated testing, continuous integration, frequent depoyment
    • nested synchronization: test as early and often as possible
      • every check in - unit tests
      • evrery day - regression test harness
      • every week - operations test harness
      • every iteration - deployment ready code
Let it flow (video 43m40s)
  • cycle time : customer problem to customer solution.
    • software development cycle time: requests to deployment
  • process capability: wether you have or not a reliable and repetible cycle time for a given set of problems
  • delays: hint of opportunities for cost/waste reduction
  • queuing theory
    • total cycle time = number of things in process / average completion rate
    • shorter cycle time: ability to add new features
    • small tasks and slack decrease the total cycle time
      • utilization paradox (48m23s) - not having slack increases the cycle time. This is one of the ideas behind 3M's 15% of free time rule (Google's 20% precedent). Organizations targeting 100% utilization are meassuring the wrong thing.
  • Keep a honest queue/to-do list: short and in the realm of the things that can be reasonably expected to be done; no useful purpose for long queues
  • Stablish a regular cadence, limit work to capacity, minimize the size of things in the process.
System meassurements
  • cycle time (lean classic) - process capability
  • business case (are you making money) - business return
  • customer satisfaction sustainability
    • net promoter score [2]

[1] From Matthew May's The Elegant Solution: Toyota's Formula for Mastering Innovation (amazon.com amazon.co.uk)
[2] Frederick F. Reichheld's The Ultimate Question (amazon.com amazon.co.uk)


Robots, noies i treball en equip

El treball amb robots a les escoles

  • afavoreix les habilitats de treball en equip i resolució de problemes
  • augmenta l'interés de les noies per la ciència i la tecnologia
Això és el que diu en Illah R. Nourbakhsh, de Carnegie Mellon, en el video weRobot: Robotics and Community for Learning and Exploration en el que presenta el projecte TeRK (Telepresence Robotics Kit). El video és en anglès, i acaba sent molt tècnic, però val la pena veure'n la part inicial en la que explica les motivacions del projecte, les expectatives dels alumnes sobre el que aprendran (programació i mecànica) i l'avaluació que fan del que han aprés (treball en equip i resolució de problemes), i les diferències en els interessos i els hàbits de treball de noies i nois.

Com estadística és una bírria, però, el dia què el meu fill va fer el taller de MindStorms al CosmoCaixa, la proporció entre nens i nenes era similar a la que hi havia a les classes de Telecos (molt poquetes). I, ja que l'esmento, el taller està molt bé i vaig tenir enveja dels menors de 14 anys.

El cervell del TeRK és el Qwerk, amb un processador RISC que fa servir Linux i té suport per webcam i wifi: des d'un navegador, pots veure el que e teu robot "veu" i controlar els seus moviments.

Fer-te un Qwerboot+ com el de la imatge (mono no ho és) et surt per $600 (460€) de materials i una bona feinada. Dels $600, $320 (245€) corresponen al Qwert.

De moment, els MindStorms són una opció més barata, més simple, amb més recursos disponibles i amb una comunitat més gran. Un totxo de MindStorms NXT costa 135€ i, un kit bàsic (NXT, 3 motors, sensors, bluetooth), 250€.

Hi ha gent que ha ensopegat amb aquest blog buscant on comprar-ne a Barcelona; imagino que si n'havés de comprar un provaria a roboteca.org (què tenen el mateix telèfon que invenio|learn by doing...), a lego.com o als que venen a Espanya solucions educatives de Lego. (Actualització: dues llistes de botigues a ladrillitos.com) a http://ro-botica.com/ o a http://stores.ebay.es/World-of-Leg-Godt. Info adicional a un post posterior.

I, per no gastar-se res, un EconoBOT, amb un pressupost de zero euros a base de treballar amb material reciclat.


Google Tech Taks (engEDU videos)

You *have to* keep an eye on Google's TechTalks. I have not seen an obvious link, so here it is a search and a feed on that search (better, since it provides longer descriptions). They are mostly about computer science, but the range of topics is quite broad.

It is great that they are choosing to publish all these terrific talks they host.

Update: from http://video.google.com/googleplex.html

Google TechTalks are designed to disseminate a wide spectrum of views on topics ranging from Current Affairs, Science, Engineering, Humanities, Business, Law, Entertainment, Medicine, and the Arts.
I also learned about the Authors@Google series:
Authors@Google is a speaker series where thought-provoking, Zeitgeist-making, trend-setting authors come to the Googleplex to read from their works and share their thoughts with us. The following authors have agreed to release their talks to the world on Google Video.


Irresponsabilidad corporativa

No escribo sobre plantar árboles, o no contaminar, o integrarse en las comunidades locales o... Mi tema es mucho más prosaico: no está bien que Google pida a los usuarios de Google Analytics que tecleen su identificador de usuario y contraseña en una página sin https. No basta con que las credenciales viajen seguras porque están utilizando un iframe con https para transmitirlas.

Nadie debería teclear su contraseña sin ver un candadito en su navegador.
Nadie, y, todavía menos Google, debería pedir a los usuarios que lo hagan.


Tallers de Lego MindStorms al CosmoCaixa

Els tallers de robots Lego Mindstorms de invenio|learn.by.doing, que vaig perdre'm el dia de la Robòtica, els fan aquestes vacances al CosmoCaixa. Més info al Blog de Mundobot; cal trucar per reservar; de 8 a 14 anys.


Man against Machine: Technorati ranks and spam

My (lousy) Technorati rank owes some points to splogs (spam blogs). It looks like some spam blogs are being created by posting whatever they get from subscribing to a google blog search. So far, I've been hit by two of them (sample, using tinyurl). According to an unscientific Technorati search, this particular spam amounted to about 10000 posts for December 8th. Yuk(*).

(*) Two posts in a row ending with "Yuk". Not good.


My story about you

From Bob Blakley's On The Absurdity of "Owning One's Identity":

There are lots of versions of your identity out there, but we'll lump them into two broad categories: your reputation (the story others tell about you), and your self-image (the story you tell about yourself).
Your reputation is my story about you. You can't own this by definition; as soon as you own it, it's no longer my story about you; it instantly becomes an autobiography instead of a reputation.
In principle, controlling the information that makes up your self-image seems easy - you just choose what you tell to whom, and under what conditions. (...) You value your privacy, of course, but you also value other things, like the ability to get a credit card and the ability to travel on airplanes. (...) You have a choice between getting a credit and controlling information about yourself - if you want the credit, you have to give up information somebody else chooses, and you have to do it on somebody else's terms.

I learned about Ceci n'est pas un Bob when he recently left ibm. Good reading if you are interested in identity, privacy, security and risk; and everyone should have at least a mild interest in them. Although I confess that I often skip Bob Blakley and Bruce Schneier when checking my feeds; as Calvin says (*), "Reality continues to ruin my life", and I often don't feel like having my life ruined by their uncomfortable reality reports.

(*) It is always a good thing to keep Calvin and Hobbes quotes at hand.

(Post written while trying to cope with the huge frustration of seeing someone spreading a false and damaging story about me. Yuk.)


It shows webpages

xkcd is in your feed list, isn't it?


Volen viure a Barcelona

Hi ha 74 persones que tenen viure a Barcelona com una de les seves 43 coses a fer. Una bona part dels que ho han fet pensen que val la pena.

Contexte inútil per a una informació inútil: he ensopegat amb això buscant una botiga on comprar un tauler de Carrom abans de Nadal. Hi ha indicis de què a Barcelona n'hi ha una, però no en tinc més pistes.

Actualització: Encuriosit, comparo amb altres ciutats: 59 a Berlin, 382 a Paris, 730 a Londres, 1 a Lisboa, 7 a Madrid, 7 a Edimburgh, 21 a Dublin, 45 a Amsterdam i 31 a Roma. Faig trampes i no sumo coses com "live in *" i "move to *". No trobo "live in Reus": sembla que el Baix Camp ha perdut empenta des del "Reus, Paris i Londres" del segle XVIII.


Exporting to plain html from a TiddlyWiki

TiddlyWikis are my main note taking device. But what happens when I want to share my notes on some topic with someone?
TiddlyTools' NewDocumentPlugin can do lots of things, but one of them is to export to a simple html file the tiddlers that you are viewing at any time, without the side bars or the header. So, in my SideBarOptions tiddler, I have added <<newDocument ask snap tiddlerDisplay>> and it shows as a "create a snapshot" button. tiddlerDisplay is the id of the div that displays the main tiddlers; it could be any other id if you wanted to have a different snapshot.


OpenUP: a short intro to the Open Unified Process

I listened to Introducing OpenUP, a very interesting ibm internal presentation by Per Kroll and Ricardo Balduino, and hosted by the Agile@IBM community. I'm highly impressed. The slide set used has quite in common with this powerpoint, available in the Eclipse Process Framework Project (EPF) community news page.

Take the RUP principles, borrow freely from XP, Scrum, Agile Modelling and DSDM, shake, and you get a methodology that makes lots of sense despite having a mostly ungoogleable name...

OpenUP/Basic is organiced around 4 subprocesses: Collaboration, Intent Management, Management, Solutions Development. It has 6 different roles.

OpenUP roles and subprocesses

Did you notice that the tester role works in the intent management?

OpenUP/Basic is minimal, complete and extensible.

  • Minimal means that it is not the kind of methodology where you have a huge role and workproduct initial list that you have to cleanup for your project (and that usually makes you shop more than you really need...): 6 roles, 18 tasks, 20 work products, 200 printed pages.
  • Complete: can be manifested as an entire process to build a system (scrum does not deal with the solution construction subprocess)
  • Extensible: can be used as a foundation on which process content can be added or tailored as needed. In fact OpenUP consists of
    • A base process - OpenUP/Basic
    • Extensions to this base process, such as Model Driven Development content
The main worproducts and their realtion to roles/subprocesses can be viewed here:

OpenUP roles and workproducts

The Work Item List is very close to the scrum backlog (not only for the current iteration, but for all the project). Of course, it is iterative, a la RUP:

OpenUP Iterations

But adaptable! The project plan is a 2 pages doc, describing the goals for the different iterations. And, since each iteartion brings its learning, the plan changes:

OpenUP iteration assesment

I really like the concept of "Stakeholder Satisfaction Space".

Other things that I'd like to highlight:
  • daily meetings
  • test driven developemnt
  • use case based
  • promotes a readable representation of the architecture. Much of the architecture can be
    • Selected instead of designed (patterns)
    • Referenced instead of described

OpenUP/Basic instantiates the core values of the agile manifesto in some slightly more concrete core principles:
OpenUP/Basic Key principlesAgile manifesto
Collaborate to align interests and share understandingIndividuals and interactions overprocess and tools
Evolve to continuously obtain feedback and improveResponding to change over following a plan
Balance competing priorities to maximize stakeholder valueCustomer collaboration over contract negotiation
Focus on articulating the architectureWorking software over comprehensive documentation

Does it work? I cannot tell, but at least looks like its building blocks have proven to work often.


Del JazzSí a Tagzania passant pel Flickr

Buscant-me un concert baratet al JazzSí, ensopego amb Tagzania o Tagging the planet: tags, llocs i mapes. Bona idea.

Sembla què ara hi ha quatre gats que ho fan servir, i la cosa perd gràcia (em precipito cap a aquesta conclusió en veure que no hi ha res etiquetat aprop de casa meva). I si té molts usuaris, funcionarà? O hi haurà massa soroll? Em caldrà veure on és la casa de la teva tieta Conxita?

El concepte és molt similar al de wikimapia.org (e.g. bars a barcelona? en falten alguns...).

El blog dels tagzans (Conspiring for world domination from the Basque Country. Tagging the planet to set up our targets) és xulo. I em fa guardar-me la url dels fd's flickr toys (no, no cal flickr-ejar per fer-ne servir alguns).

Tab Mix Plus + TiddlyWiki = [productivity | guilt]

  • I'm a big fan of the Tab Mix Plus Firefox extension. I have a hard time when using a browser without it and I cannot duplicate tabs, undo tab closing, store several browsing sessions, list all the opened tabs in a dropdown menu...
  • I'm an even bigger fan of TiddlyWikis(*), personal wikis that are self-contained in a single html file that can be in your hard drive or usb stick, or hosted in the terrific and free tiddlyspot service. I use them to record personal knowledge, to write docs and "microtag" at the paragraph level, to write checklists, to keep my to-do lists...

I just changed a Tab Mix Plus preference to switch to my left tab whenever I close a tab. And my left tab always hosts my to-do list in the shape of a MonkeyGTD tiddlywiki.

Will this change mean that my browsing parties will end up being shorter and I'll be pushed to Get Thing Done instead of following yet another interesting link?

Or am I just adding guilty feeling drops to some future pointless browsing?

(*) aside: It was the former IBM Rational Doug Landauer that pointed me to TiddlyWikis (among the endless list of interesting links that he always posted in his intranet blog(**)). It was the magic of seeing a wiki run in my browser that changed my perception of JavaScript and got me interested in it.

(**) See? I just checked Doug's delicious bookmarks and see a link to the Atomisator, some Python scripts that I'd like to check closer to help me avoid drowning in the rss tide... (***)

(***) The pattern of me getting lost following links should be quite obvious at this point :-)


dW chats: Grady Booch on the latest Rational tools release

Another developerWorks chat that looks very interesting: Grady Booch answers your questions about this week's Rational tools release. On Thursday December 7th, at 4:30 pm his time or 10:30 pm my time.

I did not learn about this from Booch's blog itself, but from a comment by Ferran Rodenas to a post in Kelly Drahzal's blog. The interesting bit about this is that Ferran works for "la Caixa", a very important ibm client, and it is a very good thing for me and some team mates to be able to read his posts and keep track of his blogroll. Or explore his linkedin profile and our common connections. The openess that blogs and social software have brought rocks!

Niños pelota de ping-pong

Cuando unos padres con hijos se divorcian, una fórmula que con frecuencia se utiliza para el reparto del tiempo de los hijos con sus padres consiste en que los niños estén todo el tiempo con su madre, excepto un fin de semana de cada dos y la noche de los miércoles. Gráficamente (click para verlo más grande), esto tiene un aspecto así:

En números, supone 12 cambios de casa al mes, 18 noches con la madre y 10 con el padre (no es extraño que los fines de semana no sean de viernes a lunes, sino de sábado a domingo; en este caso, son 20 noches con la madre y 8 con el padre; tampoco son raros los padres que se han de limitar a estar sólo 4 noches al mes con sus hijos).

¡Doce cambios de casa al mes! ¿Hay fórmulas que permitan marear un poco menos a los niños y que mantengan un contacto cotidiano con su padre y su madre?

Si los niños pasan dos noches más con su padre, podemos ahorrarles a los niños 4 cambios de casa al mes. Los niños están con su padre todos los jueves, los miércoles alternos y los fines de semana alternos. Gráficamente,

En números, supone 8 cambios de casa al mes, 16 noches con la madre y 12 con el padre.

Funciona igual, y parece razonable alternarlo cada curso escolar, si el día fijo con el padre es el lunes y los martes y fines de semana se alternan:

A muchos padres que han estado tan o más implicados en el cuidado de sus hijos como las madres, nos resulta difícil entender por qué hay tantas pegas para llegar a una solución en la que los niños pasen tanto tiempo con el padre como con la madre, se llame custodia compartida o de otro modo. Hay gente que reparte periodos largos de tiempo, pero tengo la impresión de que la mejor solución para la organización de todos y para facilitar que el contacto sea cotidiano, es pasar lunes y martes en una casa, miércoles y jueves en otra, y alternar los fines de semana. Gráficamente,

En números, supone 8 cambios de casa al mes, 14 noches con la madre y 14 con el padre.

Tengo la impresión de que en el reparto de tiempos tras un divorcio se perpetúan fórmulas malas simplemente porque "siempre se ha hecho así". Me haría ilusión que escribir esta descripción aséptica de alternativas a la reciente tradición le sirva a algún niño para que sus padres y los jueces le hagan preparar su mochila unas cuantas veces menos al mes.

Me gustaría ver estadísticas sobre cómo se organiza el más de millón y medio de separados que hay en España. Aunque todavía me gustaría más no tener que pensar en todo esto :-(


dW chats: Making the move to Ajax

IBM Rational's Bill Higgins will be the moderator of a developerWorks chat on Ajax. to be held on Wednesday December 6th at 1pm his time or 7pm my time. I was not aware of these dW chats going on (this is the second one, as far as I've seen).


(Lotus) Ventura

(Del lat. ventura, pl de venturum, lo por venir)

Tras unas semanas de morderme las uñas para no escribir sobre el próximo Lotus Ventura, ¡ya se puede! Otro día escribiré más sobre Ventura, pero me hace muchísima ilusión que se conviertan en un producto de IBM cosas que he visto nacer, que he utilizado mientras todavía estaban en pañales, a las que les he abierto incidentes y propuesto mejoras, de las que he mirado los fuentes, con algunos de cuyos padres he charlado por teléfono e IM...



Un amigo, compañero de arenero en el parque infantil, me envía un powerpoint (*) simpático sobre cómo ahora aspiramos al riesgo cero, buscamos culpables ante cualquier accidente y exigimos un nivel de comodidad que de niños no teníamos ni remotamente.

No tiene créditos, pero la mayor parte del contenido parece sacado de este artículo: Los niños de antes vivimos de milagro.

(*) Fabián, disculpas por lo de "un pouerpoint".


Discos voladores, árbitros, bolos y capital social

Discos voladores. O frisbees. El ultimate es un deporte de equipo que recoge elementos del fútbol, del baloncesto y del rugby, sustituyendo el balón por un frisbee y el árbitro por el espíritu deportivo de cada jugador.

Primero lo primero. De http://ultimatefrisbee.meetup.com/...

I´d like to invite everyone interested in the barcelona ultimate meetup group to join our team, patatas bravas, for pick-up every saturday at 3pm.
Este sábado, espero poder ir, no molestar mucho con mi incompetencia y pasarlo tan bien como estas fotos dan a entender: http://www.flickr.com/groups/ultimate/pool/ Y espero que sea el primero de muchos sábados.

¡Sin árbitro! La primera vez que supe del ultimate fue en un blog de la intranet de ibm:
What is uniquely interesting about this sport is that there are no referees. And I kind of suspect that not having referees actually elevate everyone to become more honest and have more integrity. Even at the tightest moment of an important game, even with their team's victory on the balance, players will still routinely call fouls--on themselves. Their sense of fair play and the spirit of the game are more important than gaining an unfair advantage over their opponents.
O sea, espera de las personas un comportamiento decente y obtendrás un comportamiento decente. Como tiendo a ir con un lirio en la mano, me gustó la idea, aunque tampoco añadí jugar a ultimate como una de mis 43 cosas pendientes.

Y lo vi. Y un día tropecé en la página de los Patatas Bravas y las Crema Catalana. Y fui a ver algunos partidos de su torneo internacional, el Porró Open. Y me compré un frisbee, que va siempre en la maleta de mi portátil por si enredo a alguien.

¿Y los bolos? ¿Y el capital social? Tropecé con los Patatas Bravas navegando por Meetup.com (en Wikipedia). Uno de los libros que inspiraron la creación de Meetup.com es Bowling Alone, de Robert D. Putnam, que no he leído, y que mantiene que nuestro capital social ha empequeñecido desde 1960: cada vez conocemos y nos relacionamos con menos gente y tenemos menos disposición a hacer algo por aquellos que forman nuestra red social.

Cuando Vinnie Lauria trabajaba en IBM, escribía a menudo sobre meetup.com, y organizó más de un encuentro cara a cara entre gente de IBM en Nueva York. Ahora ha cambiado de costa, y organiza el SiliconValley NewTech Meetup Group, con más de 700 miembros. En Barcelona, cuando escribo esto, hay una única persona interesada en un meetup equivalente.

No pinta como que meetup.com vaya a tener éxito en Barcelona y que me vaya a resultar útil profesionalmente, lo que resulta una pena. Pero, al menos, me ha hecho comprame un frisbee con el que a veces jugamos cuando el cerebro se nos para durante el trabajo.

(Foto de Benjamin Frank, Benjamoon en flickr)


Generalitat 2.0?!

Ensopego amb això: Gencat: la primera aplicació de Web 2.0 a l'Administració pública. Sorpresa.

Em passejo per la part que parla de xarxes socials, el subprojecte e-Catalunya, en fase de proves (sortosament, doncs va molt lent!).

I, el que em deixa més impressionat en aquest món on sovint les pàgines no tenen ni un mal link per avisar als webmasters de que tenen una cosa trencada, és una pàgina de crèdits de l'aplicació, on fins i tot surten els usuaris que han col·laborat en la fase de proves o el software programari que s'ha utilitzat.



Més sobre els tallers del Dia de la Robòtica

La Regidoria de la Ciutat del Coneixement em contesta què els tallers de robots Lego Mindstorms del Dia de la Robòtica els va muntar invenio|learn.by.doing, empresa de serveis de Barcelona. Tenen dos videos curts a la seva pàgina sobre tallers de robòtica, un d'un taller per a nens i un altre d'un taller per adults. Aquests darrer és d'un Telenotícies de TV3. I els tallers fan un goig.


Alta tecnologia, estadístiques, premsa, Catalunya i Malta

Llegeixo a La Vanguardia una nota de l'agència EFE:

Alta Tecnología: Catalunya está entre las cinco primeras de Europa
"Guau! Potser som un pinxo del món pla i punxagut!", penso. Segueixo llegint.
Catalunya es una de las cinco regiones de la Unión Europea donde las empresas de alta tecnología emplean a más trabajadores, según datos correspondientes al 2004 publicados ayer por la oficina estadística comunitaria (Eurostat).
Estic tan sorprès per la bona noticia que vull mirar-ho directament a la nota de premsa l'Eurostat (pdf, 5 pàgines). Ups! Resulta que no és "alta tecnologia", sino "high- and medium high-tech manufacturing".

I què es això? "High- and medium high-tech manufacturing includes the following industries: chemical and chemical products (including pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemicals and botanical products), office machinery and computers, radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus, medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks, aircraft and spacecraft, machinery and equipment n.e.c., electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c., motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers and other transport equipment."

Segueix tractant-se d'una bona noticia, però no és exactament la idea que m'havia fet: les cadenes de muntatge de la Nissan són part d'aquesta "alta tecnologia". La noticia al news.google.com, on es veu que La Vanguardia/EFE no són els únics que fan la mateixa simplificació.

Em sorprèn que Malta surti mencionat positivament uns quants cops, i m'adono que no en sé res d'aquest país. Una mica de wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org i mt.wikipedia.org) i moltes sorpreses:
  • són 400.000, en un país molt dens.
  • entrarà a l'Euro el 2008.
  • és de la Commonwealth.
  • són oficials l'anglès i el maltès (que és una llengua semítica, l'única a Europa i l'única que fa servir l'alfabet llatí, amb les lletres z, g, c i h que poden portar un barret), tot i què durant molt temps l'italià ha estat l'únic llenguatge escrit (i el preferit per l'elit educada).
I com sé unes coses més, ja puc anar a dormir.



Posts in Google Groups

A javascript-based box from coComment should show my comments here and everywhere, unless

  • you are viewing this in your rss reader (if you see the box, run fast to get a secure reader!)
  • you have javascript disabled
  • something is broken


Tags without feeds -> Tags with feeds




¡Arriba los tags!

¡Qué convención más tonta que los tags estén después de lo etiquetado! Leo el título, leo los tags: decido si leo el resto o no. ¿No?

SuperIT Girl gets SOA

After the trailer, the 30 minutes movie: LAUNCH (Your Window of Opportunity is Limited) aka SOA, The Movie. I like the idea of storytelling to deliver a complex message, but maybe the story is a bit too long.


Unofficial PlanetIBM Search

Introducing... the Unofficial PlanetIBM Search, based on Google's Custom Search Engines and on the unofficial list of IBM bloggers maintained by Elias Torres. Search box in this blogs side bar.

I've set everything by hand now, but it does not look very hard to script it now that I've learned a bit about Google's CSEs. Lots of things pending: write the scripts to automate the maintenance, get a semi-decent logo, give more weight to the official unofficial IBM voice (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/, executives...), make visible what sites are searched and with what weigth (as now, everything in Elias list, with the same weight), check if I can get Google to be nice and avoid inserting ads from our competition in the results page...

And, why? Because I think that it is a good thing to be able to search what IBMers have been writing outside the firewall. (And because the procastinator in me thought that this was far more interesting than completing two pending assignments that I have from two friends... Cris, Rodri, ahora me pongo, de verdad...).

It is often said that it is better to ask forgiveness than permission. (Wait! Don't let my kids know that I agree with this!). So, without being 100% sure about this being the right thing to do, here I go.

Update. Re: reasons, permission and forgiveness. The main reason for doing this is shaking the tree and hoping that this can help to get in place sooner an official search, using IBM technology, a list of bloggers maintained officially, rss available on searches, no adds, nice integration with ibm.com... Based on what I experience in the IBM intranet, putting in place a proper solution should not be hard at all.


Chicago 2.0 - Barcelona 0

Chicago 2.0 - Barcelona 0

Mozbot: google con esto y sin lo otro

Un googlefight.com tonto me ha llevado a tropezar con mozbot.com, que añade y quita cosas a los resultados de una búsqueda de google. A veces es interesante excluir algún dominio de los resultados de la búsqueda, y mozbot lo hace muy simple. Otra cosa práctica es que, para cada resultado, puedes acceder a su historia en la máquina del tiempo (archive.org) con un par de clics.

Robots que no vaig veure

Diumenge passat va ser el Dia de la Robòtica a Barcelona. Vaig assabentar-me'n tard i no vaig poder apuntar el meu fill a un taller de robots Lego Mindstorms. Els tallers eren part de la Setmana de la Ciència. Espero estar més atent l'any vinent...

Fa temps que li dono voltes a intentar muntar alguna cosa relacionada amb els robots de Lego a l'escola dels meus fills, però són massa cars com per liar-se sense estar segur de poder-hi dedicar prou temps. Potser hauria de mirar de posar-me en contacte amb la gent que va muntar aquests tallers. O potser hauria de deixar-m'ho estar i evitar el risc de què els meus fills i els seus companys acabin sent "too white and nerdy".

I, ja que va de Mindstorms, reciclo un post antic del meu blog a la intranet d'ibm:

Very interesting story on Wired about how Lego has developed their next version of their "programmable brick" taking advantage of their fans. Could well be a side bar in Eric Von Hippel's Democratizing Innovation (good -and free- book).

February 5th is the last day to apply to purchase one of the 100 prerelease kits of NXT at a good price. I wish these beasts were not so expensive! I'd love to own one!

(via Lambda the Ultimate)


Alice (heart) Bob

If Alice and Bob make you think in cryptography, you'll probably enjoy this strip: http://xkcd.com/c177.html

via Bruce Schneier's Crypto-Gram.

No lo leerán

No sólo este blog, sino gran parte de la documentación que se escribe en los proyectos de desarrollo de software.

Después del No Lo Necesitarás, el No Lo Leerán. O YAGNI (You Aren't Gonna Need It) y TAGRI (They Aren't Gonna Need Read It). Dos grandes principios que es bueno recordar en el desarrollo de software, al escribir artículos y correo, al hacer la carta a los Reyes, al ir a la ferretería...


¿Quién? ¿Qué? ¿Por qué? ¿Cómo?

Xavier Vergés Farreró, cosecha de 1965, barcelonés, honrado padre de familia, ingeniero, ciclista... Según algunas opiniones y miradas, tirando a raro. Según mi madre, muy majo.
Desarrollo de software (metodologías ágiles, python, javascript...), seguridad y privacidad, Barcelona en un mundo plano y puntiagudo, la movilización educativa, mi desintoxicación de la red, esto y lo otro.
¿Por qué?
Porque quiero aparecer en las listas de blogs de IBM al lado de gente tan lista como Sam Ruby o Grady Booch, a ver si se me pega alguna cosa. Porque Josep M. Ganyet me riñó y me dijo que soy un antiguo y nada 2.0 si sólo escribo en la intranet. Porque, como dice David Singer (también muy listo y en las listas de blogs de IBM,), todo el mundo se merece mi opinión.
En mi mejor Spanglish, Catalanglish o, directemente, en inglés.

Disclaimer: IBM has its opinions and plans; I have mine. Any resemblance between the two is coincidental.