
Why are we able to answer emails on sunday...

...but unable to go to the movies on Monday afternoons?

Why can't we take the kids to wok if we can take work home?

Those are very good questions asked by Ricardo Semler in his The Seven-Day Weekend.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

No acabo de ver la relación que hay entre llevarse los niños al wok —para freírlos, supongo— con el hecho de traerse el trabajo a casa :^)

jnqm dijo...

anonimo, que X querría decir al "work", no?

Xavier, thanks for visiting my blog, that's why I discovered yours (yes, my English isn't good enoght but I always try to use in comments the language that is used in the blog).
And your point is also a point discussed in the post you commented. Yes, the line divinding prof life and private life is becoming more and more thinner...