

2009, originally uploaded by -Xv.




Memo to self:

Do you have the patience to wait
till your mud settles and the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving
till the right action arises by itself?
Lao-Tzu (Tao Te Ching)

Nope. The mud has not settled. Have to wait.


Hipòtesi confirmada

M'he passat anys convençut de que hi uns pocs bons amics de fa mil anys, amb els que hi ha poquíssim contacte, als que podria recórrer en qualsevol moment. I sentir-me còmode explicant coses que no explicaria gairebé a ningú. I sentir-me alleujat en explicar-ho.

Avui he tingut moltes ganes de confirmar aquesta hipòtesi amb una d'aquestes perles que vaig conèixer fa més de vint-i-cinc anys. I m'he sentit còmode i alleujat. Estic content.


No son cosas

Siguiendo con mi ánimo sermoneante...

No es una lavadora. No es ni un perro ni un hamster. Ya no es un bebé. Pero no es nada raro encontrarme a alguien por ahí que describe los defectos y virtudes de su hijo a otra persona como si el niño no estuviera ahí.
¿Te has imaginado alguna vez que como te sentirías si te lo hicieran a ti?
¡Yuju! ¡Respeto!


En los zapatos de los niños

Un gracioso y buen ejemplo de la poca capacidad que solemos tener los adultos de ponernos en los zapatos de los niños. Del suplemento es de La Vanguardia:

"¿Cómo te sentirías si tu pareja trajera a otra persona a vivir en casa y te dijera que no te preocupes, que quiere mucho a esa persona y la tienes que tratar muy bien pero que eso no quiere decir que a ti te vaya a querer menos?"
Los psicólogos recurren a esta reflexión para hacer entender a los padres que los celos y la rivalidad entre hermanos son una reacción natural, tan normal que lo que se considera extraño es que un niño no sienta celos.
Y, ya que estamos de sermón, un recordatorio de servicio público: son pequeños, no idiotas.


Pushing agility from the business side?

A possible scenario:

1. IT happy with status-quo: Big Design Up Front and Waterfall.
2. Stakeholders accept non-agility as a fact of life.
3.Tell stakeholders that they are entitled to learn, to defer
decisions until the have more info, to change their opinion. That some
of their competitors use those right to their advantage.
4. Stakeholders will push agility upon IT

Just in case it helps Ferran Rodenas to get some idea to break the status-quo


Some notes about troubleshooting

From Why Programs Fails: A Guide to Systematic Debugging:

Some terminology: from defects to failures

  1. The programmer creates a defect.
  2. The defect causes an infection (the program state differs from what the programmer intended)
  3. The infection propagates
  4. The infection causes a failure (an externally observable error in the program state).

Debugging can be decomposed into seven steps:
Track the problem in the database
Reproduce the failure
Automate and simplify the test case
Find possible infection origins
Focus on the most likely origins:
Known infections
Causes in state, code, and input
Code smells
Isolate the infection chain
Correct the defect

Note the TRAFFIC mnemonic.

Opinion ON:

That's nice theory. Unfortunately, the complexity of IT has teached us that computers are non-deterministic beasts. The first thing that we do in case of a problem is restart the system, hope that the problem will go away, and be able to keep doing our job. And it often works.

But we, software developers and support technicians, need to un-learn our hide the symptoms urge. If we suspect that there is some defect in the code (and trust this old software developer, you can be confindent that it very likely that there is one), our goal should always be to find the defect, instead of changing things so that the defect is not executed or the infection does not end up causing a failure. Leaving that defect unfixed is very likely to cause pain in a future situation. À la programming by coincidence.

Some advice
  • avoid corrective actions before the issue is understood. Before the failing code is identified, you should only use temporary corrective actions to help you frame the problem. I'm guilty of having neglected this rule lots of times, and requested customers to just upgrade the code to see if the issue goes away.
  • when possible, use tools that minimize the infection propagation (that, crash as soon as possible). On Windows, I was recently introduced to pageheap and I'm in love with. More on it another day.
  • defects come from source code: give support technicians access and knowledge to read the source code. Support people and developers should change seats quite often.


Present and in awe

From Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird (p100):

Try walking around with a child who's going, "Wow, wow! Look at that dirty dog! Look at that burned-down house! Look at that red sky!" And the child points and you look, and see, and start going "Wow! Look at huge crazy hedge! Look at that teeny little baby! Look at that scary dark cloud!" I think this is how we are supposed to be in the world - present an in awe.
Some times, like when my kids were very young, or when I'm experiencing some special scenery, this view of the world comes naturally. Others, I'm smart enough to remember to put the inner child in control.

I've spent the last few weeks walking in the street as if I were the Little Red Riding Hood on synthetic recreational drugs (smile boing-boing-boing smile), and I realized that it had lots to do with the inner child getting in control without asking for permission. This reminded me about Lamott's quote, and, in turn, to remind myself to keep letting the inner child handle the driving wheel.



Ayer envié esto, en relación a mi actuación como enlace con el equipo de soporte de un producto del que no sé casi nada, en la que últimamente me limito a esperar órdenes de gente que está en una zona horaria equivocada:

Entiendo que el problema está en un punto en el que yo aporto poco más que un macaco al teclado
Si hay suerte, hoy le pasaré los trastos a un chimpancé y podré dedicarme a cosas más interesantes. Deberé enseñarle a Pobre Chimpancé algunas cosas que he aprendido cuando he sido yo el que daba soporte:
  • que hay que ser paciente y no irritarse cuando te preguntan por séptima vez la misma cosa: no es nada personal.
  • que entre lo que digan los logs y lo que digas tú, soporte no dudará en creer lo que dicen los logs. Y te preguntarán una octava vez.
¡Oh, queridos ex-clientes! ¡Estos días he comprendido a qué torturas os he sometido durante tantos años!


Resum executiu

Dropped ice-cream
Extractes d'un intercanvi de notes sms-iques entre la meva bona amiga O. i jo, durant i després d'un tercer grau:


M., del 71 (...) Amb un punt de chiflada que em mola molt. Seguiremos informando.
>Seguiremos informando.
M'ha plantat.
Dos mesos molt divers. Una pena. Joder, que en sou de complicades!
La generació dels 70 va abusar massa de les drogues i han quedat tots molt perjudicats.
Carpe diem.

La petita lluita entre lamentar-me pel cucurutxo que no m'he cruspit i sentir-me afortunat d'haver-ne fet un tastet l'està guanyant l'opció intel·ligent.
Recreation by Chris Glass of a NY subway sign replacement by True