

cc'ing the world about something that a dear friend of mine should consider. From the New York Times: Exercise Found Effective Against Depression

Scientists at Duke University Medical Center tested exercise against the drug Zoloft and found the ability of either -- or a combination of the two -- to reduce or eliminate symptoms were about the same. But they found exercise seemed to do a better job of keeping symptoms from coming back after the depression lifted.
(...) 8 percent of exercisers saw symptoms come back, compared with 38 percent of those taking drugs and 31 percent getting both.
The studies do not prove exercise relieves depression, in part because the exercisers worked out in a group, so group dynamics may have played a role

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

I have no doubt about this. I tested it on myself for the last two years and it works. And, for the same price, you lose weight! :-)

sarada dijo...

incredible!!, luc'al'vago needs to lose weight?. Good think, doing exercise... keep dooing it!.